We had a very
nice weekend down in Ljungbyhed at FCI Euro Sighthound Show. Three-day
exhibition with mixed results (some very good), met very nice people and
had amazing weather. All of our dogs was with us but I just showed Chagall
and Ina. Below is a summary of the results from this weekend
Chagall's placements
on The Sighthound Club's exhibitions are probably nothing you cheering in
champagne over. He was 4th in champion class with CQ both days but was not
placed in best male class. On Friday became Ina
BOS intermediate bitch but
was not placed in best bitch class, which she neither was on Saturday. On
Saturday, she was not even placed in the intermediate class. However, she
got exellent both days but not CQ on Saturday.
It was going so much better at the Borzoi-Ringens Specialty on the Sunday
Chagall became
Best male-2 and Ina became
BIS Intermediate. Both got
fantastic critics from the very competent and friendly judge Mr. Roger
Heap from England
Judge Mr Roger Heap,
knl Rae, England, a very skilled and pleasant judge, was honored to hold
Chagall in this picture :)
Pictures at the judge and
Chagall: Lena Hamel
Seriousdiscussions ?
BIS Intermediate Ina
& BOS Intermediate Beowulf Izironk, owner Espen